Between the nation of Kinstern and the city of Selkinim-Under-Rock lies Grent, village on a bridge.
Long time site for negotiations between the warring neighbors, it has also profited from the passage of contraband and commerce across the bridge.
Though this situation gives the village an economic advantage, it can be a delicate position. Being neutral can be seen as taking the other’s side, and mysterious spontaneous fires are part of Grent’s history.
The Grenitin are a calculating people, and occasional gamblers, but have also given the world some of its most daring explorers. Tinuin i, first outsider to ride the dragonflies, Endin Hititvar, sailor on some of the deadliest puddles….
Grent was the first miniature in The Forest series, the one which had a story waiting to be discovered. Previous creations were of a more experimental nature.