Chronicles of a forest

Leaves part and offer a glimpse into a hidden part of the forest, off the meandering path that skirts it.

At first there are no signs of life, other than the muted calls of a few unseen birds, this peaceful refuge seems uninhabited. A few unhurried streams tinkle among the rocks. Shifting rays of green tinted light pierce the canopy, highlighting mossy stone and tangled roots.

As the eye adjusts to the half-light of the undergrowth, details missed until then stand out. Patches of orange and red in the nook of a tree. Tiny, barely visible paths along the top of a rock. A world slowly reveals itself; minuscule villages and hamlets dot the sheltered landscape, hanging on to branches and hiding under pebbles.

Welcome to The Forest

Below are the stories of these hidden places. Read on, and delve into their secret lives